DEIB Update

A timeline outlining the DEIB (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging) initiatives from November 2020 to September 2024.

Timeline Details:
Nov. 2020: 3-part DEIB training for staff and interns
Dec. 2020: DEIB training for board
...: Hiatus due to COVID
Feb. 2023: DEIB journey re-launch
Mar. 2023: First retreat
Apr. 2023: DEIB committee formed
Sept. 2023: Second retreat
Oct. 2023: Committee drafted DEIB Statement
Feb. 2024: Teams begin chart of work
Sep. 2024: Third retreat

We’re dedicated to fostering diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB). To break it down, diversity is about celebrating and representing our differences; equity is making sure everyone has what they need to succeed; inclusion ensures everyone’s voice is heard; and belonging, the ultimate goal, is creating an environment where everyone feels welcome, celebrated, respected, and able to be their best self.

At CAPA, we understand that diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) are fundamental to realizing our vision of preventing and treating child abuse so children and families can be safe and reach their full potential. We celebrate the diversity of families and recognize them as experts of their own experiences. We are committed to providing quality services by practicing DEIB through our words and our actions by:

  • Ensuring inclusive representation and accessibility
  • Engaging in purposeful learning and development
  • Sharing our stories and being clear in our communications
  • Practicing and expecting transparency and accountability

The DEIB Committee meets on the third Tuesday of each month. Although this committee is internally composed of staff and board members, we welcome our stakeholders to reach out with any questions, ideas, or feedback at any time.

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